Shooting Saturday's Storm - Victoria, BC

I love storms. A lot. So when the 4th major storm to hit BC's coast in just over a week came crashing in on Saturday, I rushed out to the Ogden Point Breakwater and Clover Point to catch the action. What started out as a plan to just check out the ocean for a moment, quickly turned into almost 4 hours of dodging and chasing the huge waves. With wind speeds reaching as high as 127 km/h just off the shore, it was a powerful sight to see - and I hope it was worth it! Though I was pretty careful while shooting, in my excitement and haste a sea spray caught me and my camera by surprise, preceded shortly thereafter by an error message. I've got the battery out and the camera in a bag with silica gel packs to remove any moisture. I'm going to look into it more on Monday and my fingers are crossed that it's something minor and not totally fried!! In all, very little water hit the camera but saltwater + electronics = bad. I'd says it's better to be out there in the thick of it than missing out on all the fun but next time I'll be sure to not let my excitement push aside the need to better protect my gear. At least the photos have lived to tell the tale! Will post an update on camera soon. Until then, enjoy this wild weather - and keep your cameras dry!  **Update: Camera checked out all fine - no water damage! Error likely came from the extreme cold winds and humidity. Happy!